What is Troysgate's Secret?

They say a picture is worth 1000 words....

Troysgate is the Experience that will Save an Individual 1000 times over in Deadly Encounter Situations.

Before we get started it is important that we establish, understand and stay within the context of what we are about, what we do, and what we try to do to help an individual survive a deadly encounter. We realize and hope that everyone knows and understands the difference between the terms/words "killing" and "having to take human life." Let it be absolutely clear that Troysgate does not encourage killing or the taking of human life, but there are instances and situations where an individual must make that difficult personal decision in life and death situations. It is also important to know and understand that we are NOT here to provide any type of special training to anyone to kill or become killers - Troysgate absolutely DOES NOT teach, train or give anyone any special skills.

Any Deadly Encounter where there is PARTICIPANT ENGAGEMENT...

The OUTCOME will most likely result in Loss of Life

If we consider an ongoing confrontational situation between two individuals that escalates into a deadly conflict situation, if unresolved quickly will most likely enter into deadly engagement. Generally speaking when this does occur, one will take an aggressive initial action while the other has no choice but take a defensive position and will be at a significant disadvantage and hopefully will be able to recover and repond to stop the threat. It would be fair to assume that the odds are 50-50, but that is not the case when any situation turns deadly.

Troysgate knows this for a fact and can easily prove and demonstrate that

the aggressor in a two-person deadly engagement will almost always win.

So, let's take a few moments to consider those intriguing questions on our main website page and why they might be relevant and important to you.

  1. Would you like to significantly increase your odds of survival in a deadly encounter?
  2. Sure anyone would like to be able to increase their chance of survival in a deadly encounter. However, when an individual is involved either directly or indirectly in a deadly conflict situation, it can get complex and complicated quickly. The further away they are from the conflict, the more time they have to consider their options. In most instances if they have an opportunity and ability to flee or get away safely, they should do so. Depending on the location and type of situation they are in, the next best option would be to find a secure location, fortify it and be ready to fight as a last resort, and wait it out until police arrive and get them to safety. When there are no options and they become directly involved an individual must be prepared to fight. Every second counts... and an individual's ability to manage their fear is critical. An individual's fear may help them find the inner strength and will to fight, while another may become overwhelmed and overcome by it and simple freeze and unable to do anything.

  3. Do you know what it is like to kill someone?
  4. Hopefully no one does, but unfortunately the reality is to be human means and implies we all possess the capability to kill. The fact is humans kill other humans, we have and we always will. However the significance of this question has nothing to do with the act of killing, the why or the how, but rather the adverse effect it may have on an individual and the consequences which are not always evident or known immediately. An individual that has taken another human life, regardless of the reason or circumstances will own and bear that burden and responsibility for the rest of their life. The act of killing is relatively quick and easy, and should anyone take another life... living with it is another story.... it's impossible to simply walk away from it.

  5. Do you know what it would feel like to kill someone?
  6. Again, hopefully no one does and will never know. Taking a human life can and will affect each individual differently. Unless someone has been there, everybody else cannot imagine or fathom what that might be and what it would do to them. Anyone that has can talk about their experience, but there are no words to describe and convey the feelings, emotions, pyschological effects, pain, torment and suffering that one must and will endure.

  7. Would you like to know Our Secret about deadly encounters, survival and having to take human life?
  8. Troysgate provides an individual with a profund personal experience where that experience is "magical." It somehow gives an individual more objectivity, clarity and inner strength to overcome their inner most fears when they become involved in a deadly encounter and the best possible chance of survival. We have a patented environment where we have the capability to subject an individual to an unlimited number of hypothetical deadly encounter situations that can be quickly and easily implemented according to the applicability and types of situations the individual would most likely encounter. Our environment is highly adaptable and flexible to meet the needs and requirements for hypothetical deadly encounter situations that would be applicable for law enforcement, the military, federal agents, armed security, and civilian (concealed carry firearms and home defense/protection) purposes.

    "Our Secret" is the ability to manage an individual's fear and to expose that individual to several hypothetical deadly encounter situations where they can actively be part of, see, hear, smell, feel, sense, directly communicate - talk, yell, swear, participate, engage and experience what it would be like for that person to be in a deadly encounter and experience deadly engagement first hand. The first deadly encounter experience is where the individual gets the shock and awe of the experience... and most will lose and if it had been an actual deadly encounter situation they would have been killed.

    Additional deadly encounter experiences allow the individual:

    • To manage and control their fear and emotions more effectively

    and with each subsequent exerience that individual will see significant improvement in:

    • Both their natural and formal training abilities and capabilities
    • Visualizing and Assessing the quickly changing situational landscape
    • Making the best Judgment Calls
    • Making appropriate, effective and decisive Decisions quickly
    • Commiting to their decisions
    • Effectively and Rapidly Taking Appropriate Actions and Responses
    • Their ability to Survive the event