Deadly Encounters

Troysgate's Specialization and Expertise Is Deadly Encounters

and the Human Science During These Events

We understand the human physiological and psychological effects during a deadly encounter engagement, as well as the adverse consequences after the event. We have a patented environment where we have the capability to subject an individual to an unlimited number of hypothetical deadly encounter situations that can be quickly and easily implemented according to the applicability and types of situations the individual would most likely encounter. Our environment is highly adaptable and flexible to meet the needs and requirements for these types of situations and are applicable for law enforcement, the military, federal agents, armed security, and civilian (concealed carry firearms and home defense/protection) purposes. We have conducted over 300,000 deadly conflict exercises that include over 18,000 participants from law enforcement, military, federal agents and armed security who have visited our faciltiy in North Carolina to participate and experience what we have.

    We know and our participants quickly realize that formal training alone does not adequately prepare, nor condition an individual emotionally, psychologically and physiologically for deadly encounter situations and engagements.

From our observations, data and information we have collected and analyzed, it clearly demonstrates that every deadly encounter regardless how similar or different it may be will end in an outcome that cannot be predicted in advance. Human assessment, decisions, actions and response leading up to and during a deadly engagement will always be highly variable and unique based on that individual regardless of their knowledge, level of training, years of service, and personal experiences. We know and understand the human emotional, psychological and physiological effects an individual may exhibit during deadly conflict, and recognize and understand that deadly conflict situations have far reaching and unpredictable effects that may significantly impact an individual, both immediately and over an extended period of time.

    The human fear response of "Fight or Flight" during critical moments of a deadly encounter does not ensure our survival...
    Troysgate has the solution where human fear can be effectively managed to increase the chance of survival during such an event.

Who Are Our Customers?

Top Tier

Our top tier customers include the military, law enforcement, federal enforcement and armed security, and for good reason because in each of these professions, those that serve in that capacity have the duty and responsibility to protect and serve the public at large whether at home or abroad. These men and women are on the front line and out in the field where they are constantly at risk and have the highest probability of being involved in deadly conflict situations.

Second Tier

Our second tier customers include all top tier customers and just about everyone else for the simple reason that anyone, at any given place and at any moment could become an intended target or unintended target we refer to as collateral damage as a result of a deadly encounter event. Although the probability of being involved in a deadly conflict situation is rare and may never happen to you, it can and does happen. A top tier customer may never see combat or pull their service issued weapon during their entire career, but the individual still has potential risk when off duty and at home with their family, or away from home out in public. Regardless of anyone's profession, we catagorize second tier customers as our civilian group because the majority will possess personal firearms - a permit for at least one handgun and possibly hold a concealed carry permit, and/or have other firearms. The availability of firearms within the civilian population is staggering and because of that there is higher potential and risk that a fiream might/will be used in a deadly encounter situation.

Specialized Groups

Our specialized groups customers are critical and important because of their indirect relationship regarding deadly conflicts, encounters, and engagements. Troysgate firmly believes that these individuals have the power and authority to make necessary changes that could very easily increase survival rates, and decrease the number of deaths that occur as a result of deadly engagement.

    The world of Deadly Encounters extend way beyond those that are directly involved in the event. In the interest of human life, Troysgate simply wants to help save lives and must rely on the help and assistance from everyone that can make the necessary and required decisions and implement appropriate and effective steps and actions to help make that happen....

    Saving lives should be everybody's concern and responsibility, because the life that might be saved could very easily be their own or someone close and dear to them.

Over the past severals years, Troysgate has made significant progress and has successfully reached out and gotten the attention of several of these types of individuals to include those in the federal government, military and law enforcement, federal and state legislatures, judges, attorneys, corporate senior executives, and educators - principals and teachers to help make them more aware of the complexities of deadly encounters, and to educate them and help them understand more about it, so that they can begin to see, understand and recognize that they might be part of the solution and that their involvement and contributions can make a difference. Many of these individuals may hold important positions of authority and responsibility regarding what we understand deadly conflict is, should be, or suppose to be, as well as the rules of engagement, the laws and consequences of such an event. They formulate and decide:

  1. What defines and constitutes deadly conflict/engagement, the appropriate and acceptable used of deadly force and the ramifications and consequences
  2. The laws and enforcement of the law as it may pertain to deadly conflict and the process, convicition and punishment of violators of the law
  3. The policies and procedures to help protect and ensure the safety and well being of the public at large in order to prevent a deadly encounter event, mitigate or lessen the severity during an event, and dealing with the aftermath and fallout after an event

Their area of expertise, authority and responsibility may include individuals at various levels:

  • Executive Authority - U.S. President, Senior Advisors, Various Federal Departments and Agencies (Federal Level), State and Local Levels - Execute, Enforce and Administer Laws
  • Legislative Authority - Senators, Congressmen, Councilmembers, Commissioners, Policy Makers and Team Members (Federal, State and Local Levels) - Formulate and Pass Policies, Procedures, Rules, Regulations, Laws
  • Judicial Authority - Judges, DA's, Attorney's, Jurors, Defendants - Interpret Laws, Protect an Individual's Rights, Determine the Guilt or Innocence of the Accused, Punish Violators
  • Administrators - Company/Corporate Presidents, Board of Directors, Senior Management Officials - Responsible for Employees, Visitors and Customers Safety
  • Educators - Superintendants, Principals, Senior Level Educators - Responsible for Teachers and Staff, Children, and Visitors Safety

Other individuals may hold positions of authority and responsibility for providing assistance and support for the victims of deadly conflict, as well as those that may be directly or indirectly affected by the event.

  • Medical Professionals
  • Social Sciences Professionals

Science and Research

Data provided by Troysgate Analytics

Troysgate recognizes the importance of science and involvement of expertise across scientific, academic and medical disciplines to further the pursuit, understanding and the effects of Troysgate's methods and situational conditioning on the participant.

Biofeedback Technology & Data

Troysgate Analytics provides biofeedback data collection capabilities utilizing scientific technologies, biofeedback instrumentation systems and methods during Troysgate situational conditioning. Biofeedback data collection includes the following data:

  • Electromyograph (EMG) - detects muscle action potentials from underlying skeletal muscles that initiate muscle contraction
  • Feedback Thermometer - detects skin temperature with a thermistor (a temperature-sensitive resistor)
  • Electrodermograph (EDG) - measures skin electrical activity directly (skin conductance and skin potential) and indirectly (skin resistance - galvanic skin response (GSR))
  • Electroencephalograph (EEG) - measures the electrical activation of the brain from scalp sites located over the human cortex
  • Photoplethysmograph (PPG) - measures the relative blood flow through a digit using a photoplethysmographic (PPG) sensor and data such as blood volume pulse (BVP) and heart rate variability (HRV)
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG) - measures the electrical activity of the heart and heart rate variability (HRV)
  • Rheoencephalography (REG) or brain blood flow biofeedback is a biofeedback technique of a conscious control of blood flow
  • Eye Tracking - captures eye movement, focal and pupil activity

Assessment of Biofeedback Data Collection Capabilities

Troysgate Analytics biofeedback instrumentation testing and evaluation of biofeedback data collection at the Troysgate facility.

1. Participant being tethered up to biofeedback instrumentation.


2. Biofeedback instrumentation calibration prior to testing.


3. Participant equipped with eye-tracking technology during Troysgate situational conditioning: Watch Eye-Tracking Video

4. Biofeedback instrumentation systems


Troysgate Research

Troysgate situational conditioning is based on science. It is a powerful resource used to replicate, re-create or create close-combat and close-encounter deadly conflict situations. Through ongoing participant testing and situational conditioning utilizing our specialized operational systems, we are able to closely observe participant interactions and responses. This provides us with an opportunity to continue to learn and understand more about human behavior during close-combat and close-encounter deadly conflict.

Example of the Unpredictability of Human Behavior: a participant exhibits unexpected, unpredicable behavior and response as a result of extreme emotional stress induced during Troysgate situational conditioning utilizing of one of the specialized our specialized operational systems. Watch Unpredictable Behavior Video

Our observations of participant human behavior provide us with opportunities to raise questions why something has happened, so that we are able to understand the underlying issues, such as the:

As we continue to explore the science of the human brain and mind through the application and knowledge we obtain from our scientific research, we are able to advance and extend our learning and understanding of the:

Read more about the science and the neuropsychology behind Troysgate's situational conditioning... what it is, how it is applied, and why it is so effective and beneficial.

Our scientific research allows us to look for and address specific issues to discover and find answers, which allows us further advance our capabilities and expertise. Troysgate efforts and understanding of the science of the human mind is the driving force behind our passion and dedication to always think "outside the box." We will always continue to be on the leading edge of discovery, learning and understanding of new ideas, to apply, develop, test, evaluate and integrate them into our specialized operational systems and situational conditioning methods.